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The Second World War class 10 icse questions and answers

The Second World War class 10 icse questions and answers

1. Name the two power blocs that emerged after the Second World War.

2. Mention the immediate cause of the outbreak of the World War II.

3. Which countries were known as the Axis Powers?

(ICSE 2008)

What was the Berlin-Rome-Tokyo Axis ?

4. Why did Japan give up the membership of the League of Nations and when ? 5. Give two reasons that prompted the armament race before the Second World War broke out.

6. Mention two reasons to show the weakness of the League of Nations to prevent the Second World War.

(ICSE 2006)

7. Name the four main countries included in the Allied Power. 

8. Why did the USA adopt a policy of aloofness towards European politics between the two Wars?

9. What is meant by the term appeasement ? Who adopted it towards whom?

10. What do you know about the Munich Pact of 1938 7 Which were the countries involved in this pact ?

11. State two reasons why Britain and France followed a policy of appeasement towards Germany in the 1930. (ICSE 2007)

12. Why did Hitler demand the Danzig Corridor from Poland ? Give two reasons.

Why did Hitler invade Poland ?

13. What was the issue between Germany and Poland that was a cause of World Warll?

(ICSE 2013)

(ICSE 2007)

14. Why did United States declare war on Japan? 15. What happened to Germany after her defeat in the War?

16. Name the two Japanese cities on which the Americans threw the atom bombs.

17. Why did America drop the atom bombs on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki ?

(ICSE 2006)

18. Name the American General to whom the control of japan was given after her defeat in the war. 19. Name the two countries which emerged as super powers after the Second World War,

20. What is meant by "Misery Belt" ? Why is it called so ? 21. Name the organization formed in October 1945 with objectives similar to the League of Nations

22. Name the incident which brought the USA in the Second World War. 23. After the Second World War Germany was divided into two parts. Mention the name of the two parts

24. Mention three consequences of the Second World War II. 25. To what do you attribute the rise of the USA as a super power after the Second World War ?

26. Name four nations that eamed their independence after the Second World War.

(ICSE 2019)

27. When and why was the United Nations Organization established?

28. What is meant by Cold War ?

29. Who used the term "Cold War' for the first time?

30. What is communism? 

31. What is capitalism?

32. Mention two leading countries on the opposing sides of the Cold War. 

33. Name any two military alliances which came into being as a consequence of the Cold War.

Mention any two rival military alliances that were formed as an impact of the cold war. Name the respective blocks they belonged to. 

34. State anytwo effects of the Cold War.

35. State any two important military consequences of the Cold War. 

36. State the significance of the Policy of Appeasement as a cause for the Second World War.

(ICSE 1999)

37. Give the reason as to why japan invaded China. 38. Name the countries that formed the Axis Bloc, during the World War II.

(ICSE 2017)

(ICSE 2017)

39. State any four causes that led to the second world war.

(ICSE 2018) (ICSE 2018)


1. There were several factors which led to the Second World War. In this context explain briefly the relevance of the following:

(a) The policy of appeasement

(b) German acquisitions in Europe

(c) Aggression on Poland

2.Give an account of the reasons on which the Second World War broke out, with reference to the following: 

(a) Unjust Treaty of Versailles.

(b) Aggressive Nationalism and Expansionism of Germany.

(ICSE 2011)

(c) Armament race.

3. With the surrender of Japan, the Second World War was finally over. The War had far reaching consequences. Against this background, write short note on:

(i)Death and devastation.

(ii) The division of Germany.

(iii) Impact on Japan and Italy

(iv) Division of the World into two power blocs.

(ICSE 2005)

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