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Independence and Partition of India icse Class 10 Board Questions

Independence and Partition of India icse Class 10  Board Questions



1. Who proposed the Two Nation Theory?

2. When was the Two Nation Theory adopted by the Muslim League ?

3. What was the main aim of Jinnah's Two Nation Theory?

4. Which party came to power in England after the Second World War?

3. What was the main objective of the Cabinet Mission ?

(ICSE 2014)

6 Name the persons who constituted the Cabinet Mission.

(ICSE 1998)

(ICSE 2005, 2010)

7. What were the recommendations of the Cabinet Mission Plan regarding the Princely states? 8. Why was demand for Pakistan rejected by the Cabinet Mission ? Give reasons.

9. Name the movement which was launched by the Muslim League after the Cabinet Mission Proposal


Which day was fixed as "Direct Action Day by the Muslim League ?

10. Name any two provisions of the Mountbatten Plani.

11. What were the two proposals for the Princely States in the Mountbatten Plan of 19477

(ICSE 1996, 1997, 2006, 2013)

12. What was the impact of the Mountbatten Plan on the Constituent Assembly? 13. State two important reasons for the acceptance of the Partition by the Congress.


State reasons to justify why the Congress accepted the Mountbatten Plan

14. Why was the Mountbatten Plan accepted by the Muslim League ?

(ICSE 1996, 2010)

15. Mention any two provisions of the Independence Act, 1947.

(ICSE 2005, 2015)

16. What was the composition of Pakistan according to the Independence Act 1947 7

17. Mention the provisions of the Indian Independence Act 1947 regarding the Constituent Assemblies (ICSE 2010)

18. What was the provision for the Princely States in the Indian Independence Act of 1947? (ICSE 1996, 2000, 2018)


State any two provisions of the Indian Independence Act of 1947 that was to decide the fate of the Princely States .(ICSE 2019)

19. How were the borders of two new dominions to be demarcated according to Indian Independence Act of 1947?

20. What is the importance of the Indian Independence Act?

(ICSE 1997)

21. Name the last British Viceroy of India.

(ICSE 2004, 2008, 2018)

22. Name the first Governor General of free India.

23. What was mentioned in the Cabinet Mission Plan regarding Provincial Autonomy?

(ICSE 2012)

24. Explain the Cabinet Mission's proposals regarding the setting up of a Constitution making  body.

25. State any two reasons for the acceptance of the Mountbatten Plan by the Congress .


1. The Cabinet Mission came to India on 10th August, 1945. In this context, answer the following questions:

(a) Under what circumstances was the Mission sent to India?

(b) What were its main objectives?

(c) Why did the Mission reject the demand of a separate state for the Muslims?

(ICSE 2003)

2. In the context of the Cabinet Mission, answer the following questions: (a) How were the provinces proposed to be grouped under the Cabinet Mission Scheme?

(b) What was the Congress viewpoint regarding the grouping of the provinces ?

3. The Cabinet Musion Plan of 1946 tried to please both the Congress and the League. In this context, answer the following:

(d) What were the main proposals/recommendations under the Cabinet Mission Plan?

(ICSE 1982, 1994, 1998, 2001, 2002, 2006)

(b) What were the reactions of the Congress and the Muslim League to the Cabinet Mission Plan 7

(ICSE 1994, 98, 2001, 2002)

4. The attempt of the British to pacify the Congress and the Muslim League was clearly visible in the Cabinet Mission proposals, but in reality, neither could be pleased. With reference to this explain:

(a) The reasons for the Muslim League's acceptance and later rejection of the Cabinet Mission Plan.

(b) The reactions of the Congress to the Cabinet Mission Plan

(ICSE 1996, 2003, 2006)

(ICSE 2006)


The reasons for the earlier refusal and the later acceptance by the Congress to participate in the Interim government.

(ICSE 1996)

(c) Reactions of the Sikhs and of the Scheduled castes to the Proposals.

(ICSE 1996)

5. Making use of the following outline, explain briefly the negotiations that took place from 1946 for Indian independence:

(a) Direct Action by the Muslim League.

(b) Formation of Interim government and the Constitutent Assembly

(ICSE 1982)

(c) The Mountbatten Plan for the transfer

(ICSE 1988, 97)

•Independence and Partition of India Class 10 Notes

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