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Rise of Dictatorship Class 10 Important Board questions

Rise of Dictatorship Class 10 Important Board questions


1. Define dictatorship.

2. What does the Italian word, "Fascia" stand for?

3. Mention the two most important causes of the rise of Fascism.

4. Why were the Italians dissatisfied with the Treaty of Versailles?

5. On which side did Italy fight in the First World War 7

6. Who formed the Fascist Party in Italy and when ? 7. What is meant by Mussolini's famous March to Rome in 1922 ?


How did Mussolini seize political power in Italy ?

8. How did Mussolini become the Prime Minister of Italy and when? 9. What name or title did Mussolini give to himself after he became the party leader?

10. Mention any two most important principles of Fascism.

11. Give two evidences to prove that Faschm was opposed to democracy.

12. What did Mussolini do to restore law and order in Italy? 13. What did the Fascist regime in Italy do to solve the unemployment problem?

14. Mention any two steps taken by Mussolini to make Italy a great power.

15. Mention the two humillating terms of the Treaty of Versalles towards Germany.

16. What do you understand by the terms, 'Brown Uniform' and 'Black Uniform' ?

17. Name the party newspaper published by Hitler to spread Nazism.

(ICSE 2008)

18. Name Hitler's autobiography and where did he write it.

19. Mention any two ideas or programmes that Hitler's autobiography contains

20. State two similarities between the ideologies of Nazism and Fascism.

21. Describe a decisive action taken by Mussolini with an aim of making Italy a colonial power. 

22. How was the Treaty of Versailles responsible for the Second World War 7

23. Name the countries that became victim of Hitler's policy of aggression. (ICSE 2012)

24. Give two similarities in the foreign policies of Mussolini and Hitler. (ICSE 2007, 2010,2013, 2018)

25. What is the meaning of "Fascism?

26. State any three reasons for the rise of Facism in Italy.  (ICSE 2015) (ICSE 2019)


1. Making use of the following outline explain briefly how the Fascists under Mussolini seized political power in Italy.

(a)Conditions in Italy which led to the rise of Fascism.

(b) Mussolini's march from Milan to Rome 1922 (c) Mussolini's internal (Domestic) policy.

(ICSE 1984)

2. With reference to the following points describe briefly Mussolini's contribution in making Italy a great power.

(a) The Economic Programme.

(b) The foreign policy and teritorial expansion.

(ICSE 1987, 89)

3. With reference to the following points, trace the circumstances which led to the rise of Nazi party to power in Germany.

(a) Weakness of the Weimar Republic.

(b) Organisation of the Nazi party.

(c) The economic crisis in Germany

4. With reference to rise of Hitler and coming of Nazism in Germany, discus

(ICSE 1986)

(a) Humiliating terms of the Treaty of Versailles towards Germany.

(b) Political instability in Germany after the First World War.

(c) Hitler's personality and his propaganda campaign.

5. In the post-World War I scenario, Italy, and Germany experienced the rise of dictatorships. In this context, explain:

(a) State any four factors that led to the rise of dictatorship in Germany.

(ICSE 2013)

(b) Any three domestic policies of Hitler.

(c) How were the foreign policies of Hitler responsible for the outbreak of World War II?

(ICSE 2006)

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