The Age of Guptas ICSE Class 9 notes
•Post Mauryan India- A Disintegrated Country
Within 50 years after Ashoka's death in 232 BC, the great Mauryan empire broke down. One by one the provinces in the Mauryan empire became independent. In 185 BC, the last Mauryan king, Brihadratha was overthrown by Pushyamitra of the Sunga dynasty. This dynasty ruled large areas upto 73 BC, when Vasudeva murdered the last Sunga ruler, Devabhumi
Both Kalinga and Satavahana also broke away from the Mauryan empire. Thus, both in the north and south of India, there was no single ruler, strong enough to command the whole country. In the absence of a central power in the post-Mauryan period, there prevailed a kind of political vacuum in India. There was none to hold the whole of India, or at least a larger part of it together.
•The Imperial age of Guptas (320 to 540 AD)
In the year 320 AD (fourth century), there rose once again an empire in India. This was known as the Gupta empire, which lasted upto 540 AD. The time of the Gupta empire is referred to as Golden Age of India in science, mathematics, astronomy, religion and Indian philosophy. The peace and prosperity created under leadership of Guptas enabled the pursuit of scientific and artistic endeavors. Historians place the Gupta dynasty alongside with the Han Dynasty, Tang Dynasty and Roman empire as a model of a classical civilisation.
Chandragupta I was the founder and the first important ruler of the Gupta dynasty. When he ascended the throne, his empire was confined only upto Magadha. But he extended it by matrimonial alliances and through conquests. He married the Lichchhavi Princess named, Kumaradevi. With the help of the Lichchhavis, Chandragupta I was able to extend his empire by conquering the neighbouring states like Oudh, Bihar, Tirhut and Allahabad. After these conquests, he assumed the title of Maharajadhiraja (the king of kings). He ruled for 15 years from 320 to 335 AD. After his death, his son, Samudragupta, succeeded him.
Chandragupta I was the founder and the first important ruler of the Gupta dynasty. When he ascended the throne, his empire was confined only upto Magadha. But he extended it by matrimonial alliances and through conquests. He married the Lichchhavi Princess named, Kumaradevi. With the help of the Lichchhavis, Chandragupta I was able to extend his empire by conquering the neighbouring states like Oudh, Bihar, Tirhut and Allahabad. After these conquests, he assumed the title of Maharajadhiraja (the king of kings). He ruled for 15 years from 320 to 335 AD. After his death, his son, Samudragupta, succeeded him.
Samudragupta, ruler of the Gupta Empire (c.AD 335 - 5 - 380), and successor to Chandragupta I, is considered to be one of the greatest military geniuses in Indian history, and sometimes also called the 'Napoleon of India'. The main source of Samudragupta's history is an inscription engraved on one of the stone pillars set up by him in Allahabad. In this inscription Samudragupta details his conquests.
Samudragupta, ruler of the Gupta Empire (c.AD 335 - 5 - 380), and successor to Chandragupta I, is considered to be one of the greatest military geniuses in Indian history, and sometimes also called the 'Napoleon of India'. The main source of Samudragupta's history is an inscription engraved on one of the stone pillars set up by him in Allahabad. In this inscription Samudragupta details his conquests.
This inscription is also important because it indicates by naming the different kings and peoples who populated India in the first half of the fourth century AD. The inscription was composed by Harisena, who was an important poet of Samudragupta's court.
• Lines 19-20 describe Samudragupta's Deccan campaign or Dakshinpatha.
• There were 12 Deccan kings which are mentioned in the Allahabad Prasasti.
• Lines 21 to 23 mention the names of the nine kings of Aryavarta defeated by Samudragupta.
• Line 22 Specially describes about the five neighbouring states including Assam, Coastal Bengal, Nepal and number of Gana Sangha in the northwest, which were occupied by the Gupta king Samudragupta. These frontier kingdoms were bound to pay homage or tribute to Samudragupta.
• There were 12 Deccan kings which are mentioned in the Allahabad Prasasti.
• Lines 21 to 23 mention the names of the nine kings of Aryavarta defeated by Samudragupta.
• Line 22 Specially describes about the five neighbouring states including Assam, Coastal Bengal, Nepal and number of Gana Sangha in the northwest, which were occupied by the Gupta king Samudragupta. These frontier kingdoms were bound to pay homage or tribute to Samudragupta.
(375 TO 413 AD)
Chandragupta II (also known as Vikramaditya), the son and successor of Samudragupta I, was also a great conqueror and a powerful ruler. The Gupta empire rose to its highest point during his times. He defeated the Saka kings of Malwa, Gujarat and the Konkan coast. Thus, he extended the Gupta empire upto the Arabian Sea. He took the title of Sakari, which means the destroyer of the Sakas. This was his great achievement.
(375 TO 413 AD)
Chandragupta II (also known as Vikramaditya), the son and successor of Samudragupta I, was also a great conqueror and a powerful ruler. The Gupta empire rose to its highest point during his times. He defeated the Saka kings of Malwa, Gujarat and the Konkan coast. Thus, he extended the Gupta empire upto the Arabian Sea. He took the title of Sakari, which means the destroyer of the Sakas. This was his great achievement.

( Chandragupta II)
He also made Ujjain his capital. The most significant development of the reign of Chandragupta Vikramaditya was Fa-hien's visit of India.
Fa-hien was a well-known Chinese traveller. He came to India in order to visit the holy places associated with the life of the Buddha and to collect the sacred Buddhist literature. He left his country China in 399 AD. He reached India in 405 AD and stayed in India for 6 years i.e. from 405 to 411 AD. He spent three years at Pataliputra, the capital of the Gupta empire during his 6 years' stay in India.
Fa-hien has given an account of his travel of India in his text 'Fo-Ko-Ki'. Though Fa-hien has written mostly about Buddhism, his account throws a flood of light on the political, economic, social and cultural conditions etc.
The Gupta empire maintained some sort of unity till the days of Budhagupta (476 AD – 495 AD). Huns had began to invade as far as Eran in eastern Malwa. The "later Guptas" tried to restore the glory of the Gupta line to a certain extent under king Aditayasena in the later half of the 7th century.
The Gupta empire maintained some sort of unity till the days of Budhagupta (476 AD – 495 AD). Huns had began to invade as far as Eran in eastern Malwa. The "later Guptas" tried to restore the glory of the Gupta line to a certain extent under king Aditayasena in the later half of the 7th century.
Following were the main causes of the breakup of the Gupta empire :
Following were the main causes of the breakup of the Gupta empire :
• All successors of Skandagupta were weak and inefficient. They were caught in wars of succession.
• Buddhist teaching of Ahimsa and noninjury weakened the martial spirit of the soldiers.
• The vastness of the Gupta empire made it hard for the kings to control, especially as the means of communication were not so well-developed.
• The provincial governors took advantage of the weak central rule and declared themselves independent rulers of their provinces.
• Buddhist teaching of Ahimsa and noninjury weakened the martial spirit of the soldiers.
• The vastness of the Gupta empire made it hard for the kings to control, especially as the means of communication were not so well-developed.
• The provincial governors took advantage of the weak central rule and declared themselves independent rulers of their provinces.
During the Gupta period from 320 AD to their effective rule upto 480 AD, India reached a high level of civilisation and culture.Unprecedented achievements were made in all the fields e.g. science, culture, art, architecture, religion and literature. It also witnessed the long period of peace, progress and prosperity. That is why the Gupta period is considered as a glorious epoch in the Indian History and the Golden Age of the Indian culture. It is also known as a period of Hindu Renaissance.
During the Gupta period from 320 AD to their effective rule upto 480 AD, India reached a high level of civilisation and culture.Unprecedented achievements were made in all the fields e.g. science, culture, art, architecture, religion and literature. It also witnessed the long period of peace, progress and prosperity. That is why the Gupta period is considered as a glorious epoch in the Indian History and the Golden Age of the Indian culture. It is also known as a period of Hindu Renaissance.
(a) Revival of Hinduism : Gupta period is regarded as an era of the revival of Hinduism.
(a) Revival of Hinduism : Gupta period is regarded as an era of the revival of Hinduism.
The Hindu religion which was eclipsed during the Mauryan period, especially under Ashoka, regained much of its splendour under the Imperial Guptas. The Gupta monarchs were great supporters of Hindu religion.
The Guptas built temples in honour of Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva and Goddess Kali. They allowed liberal grants to Brahmins and Vedic scholars for the development of Hindu religion.
But religious freedom and tolerance prevailed there, during the reign of the Guptas. They even gave grants to Buddhist and Jains for their development.
(b) Classical Sanskrit Literature : Classical Sanskrit Literature was revived during the Gupta period. Gupta emperors made Sanskrit their official language. They ordered that all the official documents and inscriptions should be written only in Sanskrit language.
The Gupta age was known as the Golden Age of Classical Sanskrit Literature. This language gave birth to a number of poets, dramatists, prose writers and playwrights. The most prominent amongst them were the following :
1. Kalidas : Kalidasa was a renowned Classical Sanskrit writer, widely regarded as the greatest poet and dramatist in the Sanskrit language. Kalidasa wrote three
plays :
plays :
• Abhijnanasakuntalam is generally regarded as a masterpiece. It was among the first Sanskrit works to be translated into English, and has since been translated into many languages.
• Malavikagnimitra is a Sanskrit play by Kalidasa. The principal characters of Malavikagnimitra include Malavika and Agnimitra. The play is a five-act drama based on king Agnimitra's love for a beautiful girl Malavika.
• Vikramorvasiyam ("Pertaining to Vikrama and Urvashi") tells the story of mortal King Pururavas and celestial nymph Urvashi who fall in love.
Kalidasa is also the author of two epic poems -
• Raghuvamsa ("Dynasty of Raghu") an epic poem about the kings of the Raghu dynasty.
• Kumarasambhava ("Birth of Kuamara") -The work describes the marriage of Lord Shiva and his consort Parvati.
• Raghuvamsa ("Dynasty of Raghu") an epic poem about the kings of the Raghu dynasty.
• Kumarasambhava ("Birth of Kuamara") -The work describes the marriage of Lord Shiva and his consort Parvati.
Among his lyric poems are :
• Meghaduta "Cloud Messenger"-is the story of a Yaksha trying to send a message to his lover through a cloud
• Rtusamhara "The Exposition on the Seasons"- describes the six seasons.
• Meghaduta "Cloud Messenger"-is the story of a Yaksha trying to send a message to his lover through a cloud
• Rtusamhara "The Exposition on the Seasons"- describes the six seasons.
2. Harisena : He was the court poet of Samudra Gupta. He wrote Praasasthu, which is a long verse in praise of the king, Samudra Gupta.
3. Banabhatta's Harsha Charita : Banabhatta wrote “Harsha Charita” in ornate style. It depicts the story of Harsha’s life upto the rescue of Rajyashri. This book is the only biographical work of great merit in Sanskrit literature. Bana also wrote “Kadambari”, which is a prose-romance.
4. Panchtantra : It is believed that Vishnusharma composed Panchtantra in Sanskrit. This is a collection of stories relating to animals and birds playing the roles of ministers, kings and common man. These were written with the idea of teaching the morals to the children and princes.
(c) Education : A great progress was made in the field of education during the Gupta period. Apart from the Pathshala, a number of universities imparting higher education, assumed a great importance. The students from all parts of India and abroad came to these universities for research and advanced studies. Nalanda, Taxila, Vikramshila and Vallabhi were some of the famous Universities of this period.
1. Nalanda University : Nalanda University, situated near Rajgriha (Patna) in Bihar, was the highest seat of learning. About 1500 scholars taught about 10,000 students in this university.
Panini, Jivaka, Prasenjit and Chanakya were the students of Nalanda, which was also a Buddhist Monastery. Hiuen-Tsang, the Chinese pilgrim, also studied for about five years in this university and depicted the grandeur of it.
Medium of instruction was Sanskrit. The subjects, such as logic, grammar, medicine, astronomy, philosophy, tantra, art, various sects of Buddhism and Vedas were taught deeply and thoroughly. Regular discussions and debates were also held on these subjects. This University flourished upto the end of 12th century AD. After that it was destroyed by Muhammad Bin Bakhtiyar Khalji who was the General of Muhammad Ghori.
2. Taxila : The oldest university in ancient India, this university specialised in teaching of religion, astronomy, surgery, astrology, law, accountancy and commerce. Its school of archery was very famous all over India.
3. Vallabhi and Vikramashila : These two universities developed after the Gupta period. Both were Buddhist Universities, but they imparted education in secular subjects like grammar, law, logic, accountancy and commerce.
(d) Famous Treatises on Science and Technology : A lot of progress was made during the Gupta period in the field of science and technology.
This is evidenced from the great treatises on these subjects written by eminent scholars of the period, as noted below:
This is evidenced from the great treatises on these subjects written by eminent scholars of the period, as noted below:
1. Aryabhatta (471 AD – 500 AD) :
Aryabhattayam and Surya Siddhanta are the two treatises written by Aryabhatta. He was a famous Astronomer and Mathematician of this age. He wrote in details about the solar and lunar eclipses. He also discovered that earth moves round the Sun on its axis. He found out the rules to measure the area of a triangle. He also calculated the exact value of Pi which was equal to 3.1416. He paved the way for development of Trigonometry.
Aryabhattayam and Surya Siddhanta are the two treatises written by Aryabhatta. He was a famous Astronomer and Mathematician of this age. He wrote in details about the solar and lunar eclipses. He also discovered that earth moves round the Sun on its axis. He found out the rules to measure the area of a triangle. He also calculated the exact value of Pi which was equal to 3.1416. He paved the way for development of Trigonometry.
2. Varahmihira : He wrote his famous books Panchsidanthika and Birhat Samita. These books throw light on five theories used in astronomy. He proved that the Moon rotates around the earth and the earth rotates around the Sun. He also studied the movements of other planets.
3. Brahama Gupta : He wrote his famous treatise, entitled Brahama Sphutic Siddhanta. In this book, he described the law of gravitation many centuries before Newton did.
4. Charaka, Sushruta and Dhanwantri : These three great physicians were expert in the Ayurvedic system of medicine, who wrote their own treatises on the science of medicine, investigation, prevention, treatment and cure. Their system is famous all over India and even the West is feeling attracted towards Ayurveda.
5. Decimal and notational system : Aryabhatta knew about decimal and use of the zero. The decimal system hasnumbers from 1 to 9 and then there is zero. The notations used symbols for numbers. Later it came to be known as Arabic numerals. Actually the Arabs learnt it from Indians and took it to Europe.
6. Metallurgy : The Iron pillar of Mehrauli (near Qutab Minar, Delhi) testifies that metallurgy was quite a developed science during the Gupta period. It was got cast by Kumargupta-I in honour of his father in 415 AD at Mathura. It was later shifted to the Qutab Minar complex in Delhi at its present site.
Similarly, gold and silver coins, invented during the Gupta period, are the other examples of the excellent skills of the Gupta metallurgists and artists.
During the Gupta period, art and architecture reached remarkable level of excellence and beauty. The Gupta period heralded a new epoch in the history of Indian art and architecture. Only few specimens, such as, Vishnu temple at Deograh and Bhitrigaon temple (near Kanpur) have survived. Let us study a couple of these.
During the Gupta period, art and architecture reached remarkable level of excellence and beauty. The Gupta period heralded a new epoch in the history of Indian art and architecture. Only few specimens, such as, Vishnu temple at Deograh and Bhitrigaon temple (near Kanpur) have survived. Let us study a couple of these.
1. The Vishnu Temple at Deogarh : The Vishnu temple at Deogarh in U.P. was built in the beginning of the 6th century AD. This temple is made of stone;
• It stands on a square terrace, with a flight of steps in the middle of each side.
• This temple had a spire and its own new style of roof with Shikharas, which is supported by pillars, adorned by beautiful paintings and carvings. The inner chamber of the temple was surrounded by four porticoes or varandhas. Its main doorway was exquisitely carved.
• The walls of the temple were decorated with the paintings depicting the events of Lord Rama’s and Lord Krishna’s life, such as exile of Rama, cutting of the nose of Shupranakha by Lakshmana, and killing of Kansa by Lord Krishna.
2. The Brick Temple at Bhitargaon :
Belonging to 5th century AD this temple is made of bricks. It has a pyramidical roof. Its outer walls are decorated with statues and figures. The Shiva Linga is shown in Garba Griha. Its arches and the curved structure support the weight of the roof. This architectural style was evolved for the first time in the Gupta period.
Belonging to 5th century AD this temple is made of bricks. It has a pyramidical roof. Its outer walls are decorated with statues and figures. The Shiva Linga is shown in Garba Griha. Its arches and the curved structure support the weight of the roof. This architectural style was evolved for the first time in the Gupta period.
3. Sculpture : During the Gupta period, India made a great progress in the field of sculpture. The foreign or the Greek influence, which was seen specially in Mathura School of Art and Gandhara School of Art, disappeared completely during the Gupta period.
The main features of the Gupta sculpture
• During Gupta period, the main images of Lord Buddha, Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva and other Gods and Goddesses were shown in several poses or mudras.
• The artists presented the beautiful figure, pose, charms, dignity and spiritual calmness through these images.
• These images were characterised by symmetry, natural pro-portion, close fitting and transparent garments.
• In the Gupta period curly hair on the head of Lord Buddha had been made, while earlier only the bald head had been shown, in Gandhara School of Art.
• During Gupta period, the main images of Lord Buddha, Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva and other Gods and Goddesses were shown in several poses or mudras.
• The artists presented the beautiful figure, pose, charms, dignity and spiritual calmness through these images.
• These images were characterised by symmetry, natural pro-portion, close fitting and transparent garments.
• In the Gupta period curly hair on the head of Lord Buddha had been made, while earlier only the bald head had been shown, in Gandhara School of Art.
4. Paintings : The art of painting had reached its highest of glory, splendour and perfection during Gupta period. The specimens of these paintings are found in the Ajanta and Bagh caves in Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh respectively.
Special features of the cave-paintings of Ajanta : The special features of the cave paintings of Ajanta are :
• The mode of paintings at Ajanta is the ‘tempera’ or ‘Frescoes’. In this technique, the materials used were very simple. First of all, walls were covered with a coating of clay or cowdung bound together with straw. After that, they were finished with gypsum. To make the wall more smooth, the thin layer of lime plaster was also used.
• Water colours of good quality were used in these paintings.
• The subjects of these paintings were the portrait of Buddha and Bodhisattvas, incidents from Buddha’s life, scenes from Jataka stories and decorative designs like flowers, animals and trees.
• The paintings made for religious purpose bore the secular message than religious one. They depicted the whole life of ancient India in panorama.
• The subjects of these paintings were the portrait of Buddha and Bodhisattvas, incidents from Buddha’s life, scenes from Jataka stories and decorative designs like flowers, animals and trees.
• The paintings made for religious purpose bore the secular message than religious one. They depicted the whole life of ancient India in panorama.
•The Gupta Administration
The Gupta emperors were capable and efficient administrators besides being great conquerors. They established a high ranking administrative system. Following were the main characteristics of Gupta administration.
1. The King : The king was the highest official in the administration. The kingship was hereditary. The Allahabad Prashasti of Samudragupta holds that, "He is equal to the gods like Dhanada (Kuber), Varuna (god of seas), Indra and Antaka.".His prominent tasks were to issue coins, appoint high officials, giving justice and the framing of laws. The king was advised to run the administration with the help of his ministers and to respect the decision of guilds and corporate bodies.
1. The King : The king was the highest official in the administration. The kingship was hereditary. The Allahabad Prashasti of Samudragupta holds that, "He is equal to the gods like Dhanada (Kuber), Varuna (god of seas), Indra and Antaka.".His prominent tasks were to issue coins, appoint high officials, giving justice and the framing of laws. The king was advised to run the administration with the help of his ministers and to respect the decision of guilds and corporate bodies.
2. The Ministers : There were many ministers like the foreign minister, finance minister, defence minister, minister for trade and minister for justice to help the king in his administration. Gupta kings consulted their ministers and issued instruction to their officials in writing on all important matters.
3. Council of Ministers : There was a collective assembly of all the ministers which was known as Mantri-Parishad (Council of Ministers). It advised the king on important matters concerning the empire.
Provincial Administration : The empire was divided into provinces known as Desha, Rashtra or Bhukti to run the administration smoothly. The head of the administration of the bhukti was known as Uparika. He was appointed by the king himself.
District administration : Every province or Bhukti was divided into several districts known as Vishyas. The highest official in the Vishya was known as Vishyapati.
Village administration : Village was the smallest unit of the administration. The villages were under the control of the rural bodies consisting the head of the village and the elderly persons. The rural body was known as Gram Sabha or Gram Parishada. The head of the village was called Gramika or Gramadhyaksha.
Revenue administration : The Gupta emperors paid special attention to revenue administration. Agriculture was the main occupation of majority of the population. Hence, land revenue was the most important source of state income. Onefourth to one-sixth of the produce was realised as land revenue by the state.