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Test and Measurement in Sports Class 12 Notes

Test and Measurement in Sports Class 12 Notes

The task or work needs to be evaluated. Evaluation is based upon the test and measurement we conducted.

“In scientific terms ‘test’ is an instrument or tool used to obtain data on specific traits/characteristics of an individual or group”. A good test should measure the quality for which it is to be used. It should be simple, accurate and easy to administer. “Measurement” it is an aid to evaluate, it consists of numerical values or scientific scores by expert and also known as raw score. “Evaluation” in test and measurement are the prerequisites for evaluation. The evaluation tells the worth or progress of the individual or group. It is basically a subjective judgement based upon interpretation or analysis of data/scores gained from the test.

Test and measurement are very important for the progress of an individual. Test and measurement also play an important role to evaluate the activities of physical education, especially physical fitness components, motor fitness and skill ability in sports. There are various types of test in physical education. The common tests are : Motor Fitness Test (SAI Khelo India Fitness Test, Aapher Test, Kraus Weber Test Barrow Test for General Motor Fitness; Harvard Step Test for measuring Cardiovascular Fitness; Rikli and Jones Test for measuring the fitness of senior citizen etc. A good test helps to collect data or score which can be evaluated for further improvement.

• Fitness Test – SAI Khelo India Fitness Test in school

SAI Khelo India Fitness Test Battery has been designed to check the fundamental (important) Motor Fitness Components for school going students. This test battery has many test items which helps to evaluate the fundamental components of Motor Physical Fitness. This test is made for two age groups.

(A) Age group 5 to 8 years (1st to 3rd class students): It consists of three test items
(i) BMI test for body composition,
(ii) Flamingo Test for Balance
(iii) Plate Tapping Test for Speed and Limb Agility / Coordinative ability.

(B) Age group 9 to 18 years (4th to 12th class students): It consists of six test items
(i) BMI test for Body Composition,
(ii) 50 meters Sprint for Speed and Acceleration
(iii) 600 meters Run or Walk for Cardio-vascular Endurance.

(iv) Sit and Reach Test for Flexibility of Lower Back
(v) Abdominal Partial Curl- up Test for Abdominal Strength
(vi) Push-ups (Boys) / Modified Push-ups (Girls) for Upper Body Strength.

BMI stands for Body Mass Index. This fitness testing is used to measure body composition on the basis of weight and height. This formula and index was formulated by Belgian mathematician and statistician Adolphe Quetelet. BMI helps a person to know whether he is underweight, normal or overweight. By knowing the body type, accordingly diet and workout can be set to gain or to reduce weight.

Purpose : To measure Body Composition
Objective : To measure the Height and Weight and evaluate the Body Composition and General Health of the individual after computing.
Infrastructure/Equipment Required: Flat, Clean surface, Weighing Machine, Stadiometer/Measuring Tape pasted on a wall.
Test Administration :
(i) Remove the participant’s shoes, bulky clothing, and hair ornaments, and unbraid hair that interferes with the measurement.

(ii) Height Measurement : Take the height measurement on flooring against a flat surface such as a wall with no molding. Have the participant stand with feet flat, together, and back against the wall. Make sure legs are straight, arms are at sides, and shoulders are level. Make sure the participant is looking straight ahead and that the line of sight is parallel with the floor. Take the measurement while the participant stands with head, shoulders, buttocks, and heels touching the flat surface (wall). Use a metal tape to measure from the base on the floor to the marked measurement on the wall to get the height measurement. Accurately record the height to the nearest 0.1 centimeter.

iii) Measuring Weight : Use a Digital Weighing Scale to measure the weight of the participant. (Avoid using bathroom scales that are spring loaded). Place the scale on firm flooring  (such as tile or wood) rather than carpet. Have the participant remove shoes and heavy clothing, such as sweaters. Have the participant stand with both feet in the center of the scale. Record the weight to the nearest decimal fraction (for example, 28.1 kilograms).

(iv) Computing the Height and Weight : Here, height is considered in metres and centimetres; weight is considered in kilograms and grams.

Purpose : Plate Tapping Test helps to measure the Speed and Coordination/ Agility of Limb Movement
Objective : To do the tapping over the plate as fast as possible.
Infrastructure/Equipment Required: Table (adjustable height), 2 yellow discs (20cm diameter), rectangle (30 × 20 cm), stopwatch
Test Administration :
(i) If possible, the table height should be adjusted so that the subject is standing comfortably in front of the discs.
(ii) The two yellow discs are placed with their centers 60 cm apart on the table. The rectangle is placed equidistant between both discs. The non-preferred hand is placed on the rectangle.
(iii) The subject moves the preferred hand back and forth between the discs over the hand in the middle as quickly as possible.
(iv) This action is repeated for 25 full cycles (50 taps).

Administrative Suggestion: Participants should be encouraged to stand in a balanced posture, feet apart to shoulder width. Results are usually better if the participant can maintain constant pace during most of the run.


Purpose : To check the Balance and Strength ability of the individual on the single leg.
Objective : To balance on a given box/block/brick in given time on one leg.
Infrastructure/Equipment Required : Non slippery even surface, Stopwatch, can be done on just standing on beam.

Test Administration :
(i) Stand on the beam. Keep balance by holding the instructor’s hand (if required to start).
(ii) While balancing on the preferred leg, the free leg is flexed at the knee and the foot of this leg held close to the buttocks.

(iii) Start the watch as the instructor lets go of the participant/subject.
(iv) Pause the stopwatch each time the subject loses balance (either by falling off the beam or letting goes of the foot being held).
(v) Resume over, again timing until they lose balance. Count the number of falls in 60 seconds of balancing. If there are more than 15 falls in the first 30 seconds, the test is terminated.

Administrative Suggestion: Participants should be encouraged to eyes focused on stationary object straight ahead.


Purpose : To measure the Speed and Acceleration.
Objective : To cover the set distance as fast as possible.
Infrastructure/Equipment Requirement : Measuring tape or marked track or flat surface of at least 70 meters, stopwatch.

Test Administration : (i) After warm-up the participant stand behind the starting line in stationary position.
(ii) At the blow of whistle or “Go” the participant sprint or run fast up to finish line which is 50 meter away from starting line.
(iii) Time is recorded up to finish line in seconds and milli seconds.

Scoring : The best time is recorded to the nearest 2 decimal places. The timing starts from the first movement (using a stopwatch) and finishes when the chest crosses the finish line.
Evaluation : Timings for evaluation can be compared. Teacher can also create own norms for evaluation. like this for average sprint running timing :

Purpose : To measure Cardiovascular Endurance.
Objective : To cover the set distance as fast as possible.
Infrastructure/Equipment Required : Oval or running track, marking cones, recording sheets, stopwatch.

Test Administration : In this student has to run or walk covering 600 meters in shortest time.

Scoring : Time is noted in minutes and seconds as a score.
Evaluation : Timings for evaluation can be compared. Teacher can also create own norms for evaluation. Like this for average running timing.


Purpose : To measure the Flexibility of Lower Back.
Objective : To stretch trunk forward as far as possible.
Infrastructure/Equipments Required : Sit and Reach box or wooden box with ruler / length scale in centimeter on top. Box dimensions are : Sides of box 12'' × 12'' (in inches); Front and back of box 12'' × 10'' (in inches); Top of box 12'' × 21'' (in inches).

Scoring : The score is recorded to the nearest centimeter that is the distance between the initial position and final position. If hand touches the toe then the score is zero. If it crosses beyond toe level then score is positive. If it does not reach at toe level then the score is negative.
Evaluation : Evaluation can be compared. Teacher can also create own norms for evaluation like this for average.

2. Computing Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR): This topic will help how to Compute and Evaluate BMR

BMR stands for Basal Metabolic Rate. It helps to calculate the number of Calories required by the individual while doing the basic level of activity. It is approximately 60% to 70% of the Calories requirement of the individual. The Harris-Benedict Equation is often used to estimate BMR. It is as

Example : Boy’s with Weight 66kg; Height is 167cm and age is 19 years
Then BMR is 
= 88.362 + (13.397 × 66 kg) + (4.799 × 167cm) – (5.677 × 19 years)
= 88.362 + 884.202 + 801.433 - 107.863 = 1773.997 - 107.824 = 1495.824

BMR, is influenced by a number of factors like age, weight, height, gender, environmental temperature, dieting, and exercise habits. The energy requirement Calories increases according to workout ability of the individual.

(a) Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR), which is the calories burned if you stayed in bed all day.

(b) If the person is having Sedentary Life with little or no exercise schedule then BMR is multiplied with 1.2 ; ie BMR × 1.2. (Sedentary life has 15 to 30 minutes workout once in a week)

(c) If the person is having Light Active Life with light exercise schedule of 1 to 3 days in a week; then BMR is multiplied with 1.375; i.e., BMR × 1.375. (Light Active life has 15 to 30 minutes workout in a thrice in a week)

(d) If the person is having Moderately Active Life with moderate exercise schedule of 3 to 5 days in a week then BMR is multiplied with 1.55 ; i.e., BMR × 1.55. (Moderately Active life has 30 to 60 minutes workout in a thrice in a week

(e) If the person is having High Active Life with heavy exercise schedule of 6 to 7 days in a week then BMR is multiplied with 1.725; i.e., BMR × 1.725. (High Active life has 60 to 90 minutes workout five days in a week).

3. Rikli & Jones - Senior Citizen Fitness Test

Senior citizen fitness test was developed by Roberta Rikli and Dr. Jessie Jones for older people aged between 60 to 94 years. It consists of six easy and simple tests that access the functional fitness of senior citizen. The tests are easy to conduct and it checks various motor fitness abilities in older people. The test has following items :


Chair Stand Test

Purpose : To check the Lower Body.
Objective : To complete maximum stands in 30 seconds.
Infrastructure/Equipment Required : Equipment's required are straight back chair without arms (approximately 45 cm high).

Test Administration :
(i) Place the chair against wall or stabilize it for safety.
(ii) The person sits on chair with feet apart (at shoulder
width) on the floor. Arms crossed at the wrist and held close to chest.
(iii) From sitting position the person stands completely up and then completely back down.
(iv) It is repeated for 30 seconds.


Purpose : To measure Upper Body Strength and Endurance.
Objective : To complete maximum arm curls in 30 seconds.
Infrastructure/Equipments Required : 4 pound dumb-bell/weight (for women) or 8 pound dumb-bell/ weight (for men), a chair without armrest and stopwatch.

Purpose : To Measure the Upper Body Flexibility (General Range of Motion of Shoulder).
Objective : To touch or overlap the finger of the both hands behind the back.
Infrastructure /Equipment Required : It requires a ruler (length scale).

Test Administration :
(i) Test is done in standing position. One hand is placed behind the head over the shoulder and reaches as far as possible down the middle of back whereas palm touching the body and
fingers directed down.
(ii) Place the other hand behind the back palm facing outward and fingers upward and reach up as far as possible attempting to touch or overlap the middle fingers of both hands.
(iii) An assistant is required to direct the person so that fingers are aligned to measure the distance between the tips of middle fingers.


Purpose : To measure, Agility (Coordinative ability), Speed and Balance.
Objective : To stand and walk 16 feet and sit back as fast as possible (without running).
Infrastructure/Equipments Required : The equipments required are stopwatch, straight back chair (approximately 45 cm high), cone markers, measuring tape, safe and clear area.

Test Administration :
(i) Place the chair against wall and mark a cone eight feet away in front of chair.
(ii) Clear the path between the chair and the marker.
(iii) The person sits on chair, hands resting on knees and feet flat on floor.
(iv) On the command ‘GO’ timing starts and person is instructed to walk (no running) around the cone as quickly as possible and sit down on the chair.

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