Unique Business ideas in India
•Pearl Business
If you build a pond of length and width of 50-100 meters, on which about 60-70 thousand rupees will be spent. In this, 25 thousand oysters can be easily reared. The price of an oyster in the market is 15-25 rupees, if you catch an average of 20 rupees, then 5 lakh oysters will have to be put. After this, about 2-3 lakhs will be spent on water, food and other equipment till the pearl is ready. In 12-15 months, pearls from oysters will be ready. This time can be more or less in terms of environment and maintenance. Experts say that about 40 percent of the total oysters are spoiled. In such a situation, if you had put 25 thousand oysters, then you would get pearls from about 15 thousand oysters. An oyster gives 2 pearls, the average price of which can be Rs 100. In this way 30 lakh rupees can be earned by producing 30 thousand pearls. Out of this, your cost will be 9-10 lakh rupees.
First of all, the oyster is put in open water for 2 to 3 days so that the shell and its muscles become soft. If oysters are kept out of water for a long time, they can spoil. After the softening of the muscles, with minor surgery, holes of 2 to 3 mm are made on its surface, in which a small particle of sand is put. After this, 2 to 3 oysters are kept in a nylon mesh bag and hung in the water with the help of bamboo or pipe in the pond.
Training is necessary to cultivate pearls, which can be taken from the Central Institute of Fresh Water Aquaculture, a wing under the Indian Council for Agricultural Research. Here 15 days training is given for pearl cultivation. Apart from this, you can also contact the Indian Council of Agricultural Research.
•Mushroom Business
If you want to earn from this business, then you have to pay attention to the techniques of mushroom cultivation. It can easily produce 10 kg of mushroom per square meter. Mushrooms can be grown by making three three-feet wide racks in a space of at least 40×30 feet. You can start this business with the help of government subsidy.
Paddy straw has to be soaked to make compost and after a day it is left to rot, adding DAP, urea, potash, wheat bran, gypsum and carbofudoran. Compost is ready after about one and a half months. Now by mixing cow dung manure and soil equally and laying a layer about one and a half inch thick, two to three inch thick layer of compost is applied on it. To retain moisture in it, the mushroom is sprayed two to three times a day. A two-inch layer of compost is added on top of it. And thus the mushroom production starts.
Mushroom cultivation training is given in all agriculture universities and agricultural research centers. If you are planning to cultivate it on a large scale, then it is better to train it properly once.
The project cost of mushroom business depends on several factors. You can start it by investing 50 thousand to 1 rupee. Up to 40% subsidy is available from the government. The government has also started loan facility for growing mushrooms.
If you start it with advanced technology then you will start earning in lakhs. Its growth rate is 12.9% in the whole world. If you start growing it in an area of 100 square feet then you can earn a profit of Rs 1 lakh to Rs 5 lakh per year.