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The Non-Aligned Movement Class 10 ICSE notes

The Non-Aligned Movement Class 10 ICSE notes

The post Second World War period witnessed an era of awakening and rise of political and nationalist aspirations of the subjugated people all over the world. The centuries old phenomenon of colonialism started crumbling. Many new independent states came into existence in Asia and Africa after having thrown off the yoke of foreign domination. It was also a time when the Cold War between the Soviet and the US blocs was getting intensified. The superpowers tried to win over these newly independent countries to their respective blocs. But some of them abhorred the idea of submission to any of the superpowers. They wanted to pursue an independent domestic and foreign policy rather than falling in line with any power bloc. It was this strategy of not joining either of the two power blocs and following an independent foreign policy that came to be known as Non-alignment.


Non-alignment does not mean "isolation" or "neutrality". It is an independent movement stressing that nations should follow their own policies without joining any of the power blocs and falling under their influence. At the same time they were free to be friendly with both the power blocs. It is not a bloc but constituted a group of like-minded nations having similar aims and objectives. A non-aligned nation judges each issue on its merits. In other words, non-alignment upholds the rights of all states to freedom of choice and action in the international field. One of the fundamental aspects of non-alignment is its antipathy to military alliances and opposition to any form of imperialism.

Jawaharlal Nehru who coined the word 'Nonaligned' said, "Non-alignment does not mean passivity of mind or action. It does not mean submission to what we consider evil. It is a positive and dynamic approach to such problems that confront us."

1. Formation and growth of the Non-Aligned Movement :

The Asian Relations Conference : It took place in New Delhi in March-April 1947. It was hosted by Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, who then headed a provisional government that was preparing for India's Independence, which came on 15th August, 1947. The Asian Relations Conference brought together many leaders of the independence movements in Asia, and represented a first attempt to assert the Asian unity. The objectives of the Conference were 'to bring together the leading men and women of Asia on a common platform to study the problems of common concern to the people of the continent, to focus attention on socialeconomic and cultural problems of the different countries of Asia, and to foster mutual contact and understanding.'

2. Panchsheel :

In 1954, Jawaharlal Nehru (India) and Chou-En-Lai (China) signed an agreement containing five principles of peaceful co-existence. These principles collectively known as 'Panchsheel' became the guidelines for the Non-Aligned Movement to evolve. These five principles were :

(i) Mutual non-interference in each other's internal affairs ;

(ii) Mutual non-aggression;

(iii) Equality and mutual benefit;

(iv) Mutual respect for each other's territorial integrity and sovereignty; and

(v) Peaceful co-existence.

These five principles or Panchsheel were given a practical shape at a conference held at Bandung (Indonesia) in April 1955.

Bandung Conference : The First large-scale Afro-Asian Conference - also known as the Bandung Conference took place in Bandung, Indonesia in 1955. The Conference's stated aims were to promote Afro-Asian economic and cultural cooperation and to oppose colonialism or neocolonialism by the United States, the Soviet Union, or any other "imperialistic" nation.

The Founding Fathers : The founding fathers of the Non-Aligned Movement, apart from Nehru of India, Sukarno of Indonesia and Tito of former Yugoslavia, were Gamal Abdul Nasser of Egypt and Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana. Their actions were known as 'The Initiative of Five'.

Among the other founder members of the NAM were Archbishop Makarios of Cyprus, Unu of Burma, Emperor Haile Sellasie of Ethopia and King Mahendra Bir Bikram Shah of Nepal.

Belgrade Conference (1961): The first Summit of Non-Aligned Nations was held from September 1 to 6, in 1961 at Belgrade in former Yugoslavia. It was attended by leaders of twenty-five Non-Aligned nations and observers from three other countries.

27-Point Declaration : The Conference adopted a 27-Point Declaration. The Declaration contained an appeal to the superpowers to maintain peace and security in the world. It condemned all forms o f colonialism. The Declaration called for complete disarmament. It condemned the policy of racial segregation being practised in South Africa and in other parts of the world.

Within a few years Non-alignment became a major force in the world, with over a hundred countries adhering to it.

Nehru's role in Non-Alignment Movement :

1. Nehru's Role in the Belgrade Conference, 1961 : The first formal NAM Summit/Conference was held, from September 1 to 6 in 1961 at Belgrade in Yugoslavia, in which 25 nations participated. This Conference adopted a 27-Point Declaration. Nehru is said to have played a crucial role. He laid emphasis on the following principles :

(i) Negotiation for peace,

(ii) Disarmament,

(iii) Ending colonialism and imperialism in all its forms,

(iv) Condemnation of racial discrimination (apartheid policy) being practised in South Africa or elsewhere,

(v) Stress on socio-economic development of Afro-Asian nations on the basis of mutual benefit and equality.

The Belgrade Summit also made an appeal to the Superpowers to help in maintaining peace and security in the world. The Conference also invited other Afro-Asian and Latin American nations to join the NAM.

2. During the Korean Crisis of 1950, when North Korea attacked South Korea, India under the leadership of Nehru strongly condemned it, without favour or frown. Because of her nonaligned stand, she was offered the Chairmanship of the International Control Commission sponsored by the UN in lndo-China.

3. Likewise, when Soviet Russian forces and tanks appeared in the streets of Budapest (Hungary) in 1956, India condemned the Soviet action in equivocal terms, in spite of its friendly relations with the Soviet Union. This was due to India's faith in NAM, and Nehru's leadership.

4. In lndo-China crisis of 1956, India under Nehru stood by the democratic Republic of Ho-Chi-Minh, who was the popular mass leader. Vietnam was finally merged into one country in 1975.

5. In 1957, India condemned the Anglo-French attack on Egypt over the Suez Canal Issue. Nehru made efforts to find a solution to this problem.

6. Similarly in the Cuban Crisis of 1962, India supported the popular leader, Fidel Castro to set up people's government there, in place of a brutal rightist dictator Fulgencio Batista, although U.S.A. supported him (Batista).

6. Similarly in the Cuban Crisis of 1962, India supported the popular leader, Fidel Castro to set up people's government there, in place of a brutal rightist dictator Fulgencio Batista, although U.S.A. supported him (Batista).

7. Nehru had always condemned the aggressive policies of Israel (a U.S.Satellite), and insisted upon the vacation of Arab territories occupied by Israel.

Objectives of NAM

1. Abolition of imperialism and colonialism :

The member countries of NAM are against imperialism and colonialism. The NAM believed in self-determinationnatural equality and freedom of all nations.

2. International Peace : The main objective of the NAM is to eliminate the causes and horrors of war and, in particular, the elimination of nuclear weapons.

3. An end to Racism : The Non-Aligned Movement is against all forms of racial discrimination. Most of the summits of NAM condemned the policy of racial segregation being practised in South Africa and in other parts of the world.

4. Disarmament : The NAM favoured disarmament and in particular opposed the possession and the use of nuclear weapons. The criteria of Non-alignment determined as early as 1961 was that a country should not be a member of any of the military alliances.

5. To strengthen the role of UNO : The NAM countries are in favour of strengthening the role and effectiveness of the United Nations.

6. Creation of a New International Economic Order (NIEO) : Most the developing countries did not benefit from the fast growth, the Western economies experienced in the 1950s and 1960s. Since 1970s, the developing states have been craving for the creation of a New International Economic Order based on equity and justice. They are demanding reforms in areas such as international monetary matters (IMF and World Bank), technology transfer and foreign investment to boost their economies.

7. Protection of Environment : The NAM called for global cooperation to protect the Environment.

8. Cultural Equality : The NAM stressed the need for cultural equality through restructuring the existing information order.

9. Enforcement of Human Rights: Enforcement of Human rights is one of the major objectives of the Non-Aligned Movement.

NAM promotes equality among individuals and nations. It saves new nations from falling prey to the supremacy of the superpowers and promotes freedom to pursue a free domestic and foreign policy.

Role of NAM

Role played by NAM 1950s : The 1950s was a period of tension because of the Berlin BlockadeVietnam War, the Congo Civil War and the build up of nuclear arms stock piles. The Non-Aligned nations appealed to all powers to give up the policy of confrontation.

Role played by NAM in 1960s : The Belgrade Summit demanded freedom for all colonial people. It was the pressure of the NAM countries that more than 100 countries got their freedom in this decade. The Belgrade Summit also appealed to all the nations for the complete disarmament.

Role played by NAM in 1970s : At the Third Summit at Lusaka, the NAM adopted the 'Non-Alignment and Economic Progress'. At the Algiers Summit in 1973 greater concern was expressed about the economic problems than other problems. The next two Summits at Colombo (1976) and Havana (1979) witnessed the same concern about the widening gulf between the rich and the poor nations.

Role Played by NAM in 1980s : 'Disarmament' was the main focus of the New Delhi Summit (1983). Apartheid and racial discrimination were condemned at the Eighth Summit held at Harare in 1986. The anti apartheid policy of NAM bore fruit and apartheid was completely abolished in 1990.

Role played by NAM in 1990s : Condemning Terrorism, Calling for an Expansion of Security Council and a Plea for Economic Cooperation were the major issues which were taken up at various summits.

The Tenth Non-Aligned Summit at Jakarta (1992) condemned state-sponsored terrorism. The Eleventh Summit (1995) held in Columbia called for the reform of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF), where the developing countries have no voice. The Summit also called for a substantial expansion of the UN Security Council.

NAM-Relevance in the Post Cold War Period

Although the era of Cold War is over and with the disintegration of Soviet Union, the two blocs do not exist, yet NAM is a definite force in the present day world.

(i) NAM is a free and equal association of states united by common interest to pursue independent foreign policy.

NAM is the largest political formation in the world, next only to the UNO.

NAM is playing a significant role in the stabilisation of world peace. The member countries are against the manufacture of dangerous weapons.

(ii) With the emergence of neo-colonialism, NAM has become all the more relevant. Many small and weak countries are unable to preserve their sovereignty in the economic field because of interference of international financial institutions like the World Bank, the IMF, the WTO etc. But NAM provides a strong base to these countries. It continues to be an effective forum for seeking economic justice.

(iii) It is said that the U.N.O. has become a hand maid of only five countries of the World - England, France, China, U.S.A. and Russia - which have monopolised the U.N.O. They do whatever they like without caring for the sentiments of others. They veto anything in the Security Council which goes against their interests. In such a case, only the Non-Aligned Movement, where all countries have an equal say, can do the right justice, not the five bullies of the U.N.O.

iv) It is said it is only the NAM which truly represents the Third World countries. It has done a great service in helping these countries to win their independence from the imperialist powers and then set their house in order with their true devotion and love and whatever little help they were able to afford.

(v) The NAM has seriously taken the issue of reshaping the UN Security Council in order to make it more democratic, representative and an effective body.

Achievements of NAM

Since its formation, the NAM has been fighting for "the national independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and security of non-aligned countries" in their "struggle against imperialism, colonialism, neo-colonialism, racism, zonism, and all forms of foreign aggression, occupation, domination, interference or hegemony as well as against great power and bloc politics. NAM has supported the cause of International peace, justice and freedom. It has vehemently stood against any injustice, be it the Suez crisis in 1956, aggressive policies of Israel or the unilateral attack by the USA against Iraq. It has a number of achievements to its credit :

1. Cold War : NAM played a very important role in easing of tension between the two power blocs and ultimately in bringing about the end of the Cold War.

2. Disarmament : NAM has played a major role in promoting disarmament. Most of its members have already signed the CTBT, a nuclear test ban treaty.

3. Check over United States : In the recent years, the US has become a target of the organisation. The singular superpower the US invasion of Iraq, its attempts to stifle Iran and North Korea's nuclear plans, and its other actions have been denounced as human rights violations and attempts to run roughshod over the sovereignty of smaller nations. The movement's leaders have also criticised the US control over the United Nations and other international structures.

4. Reforms of the UN : The Non-Aligned Movement has been quite outspoken in its criticism of the current UN structures and power dynamics, mostly in how the organisation has been utilized by powerful states in ways that violates the movement's principles. It has made a number of recommendations that would strengthen the representation and power of 'nonaligned' states. The proposed reforms are also aimed at improving the transparency and democracy of UN decision-making. The UN Security Council is the element considered the most distorted, undemocratic, and in need of reshaping the South-South Cooperation.


5. Association with other groups : Lately, the Non-Aligned Movement has collaborated with other organisations of the developing world, primarily the Group of 77, forming a number of joint committees and releasing statements and document representing the shared interests of both groups. This dialogue and cooperation can be taken as an effort to increase the global awareness about the organisation and bolster its political clout.

NAM has advocated New International Economic Order (NIEO) based on greater economic cooperation and justice. In fact, the first UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) held in 1964 was largely the outcome of the efforts made by the non-aligned countries.

NAM has made the developed countries realise that the continued deprivation of the third world would affect the economy of the world and their own prosperity.

6. India condemned ColonialismImperialism and Racial Discrimination. It hosted the NAM Summit in Delhi in 1983. India was entrusted the chairmanship of AFRICA (Action for Resisting Invasion, Colonialism and Apartheid). Fund Committee in the Eighth Summit held in 1986. It was to assist the Frontline States in South Africa.

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